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Colour: Yellow/Violet, shakes together as Gold


Keynote: Turning the tide.  Spiritual knowledge and joy.  Overcoming nerves and anxieties.


Chakra: Solar Plexus & Crown


Main Theme: The light to find harmony and balance within.


Dominant Characteristics: Possesses the courage to change, and enjoys fulfilling the life purpose of service. This person’s harmonizing and balancing qualities come to show in everything what is done. A charismatic personality with a broad knowledge, a very intuitive person. May reflect the gift of being a spiritual teacher. Truly wants to help others.


Possible Challenge Aspects: Cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy. A dreamer in the negative sense of the word. Does not dare to move forward or to try something else due to the perception that things can only get worse. Is obsessed with material things and irritations of all kinds.


Spiritual Level: Assists the user in realizing how much he/she is programmed, and awakens the soul from "being asleep" (Gurdjieff). Brings joy to life. The possibility to learn to distinguish when to be active and when not to be.


Mental Level: Connects "head and belly"; aids in overcoming self-deception, and stimulates discernment and knowledge.


Emotional Level: Gives courage to express one’s deep irritations. After emotional difficulty, it can help establishing a clearer vision of the future -though the past experiences clarity and joy arises in the conscious mind.


Where to Apply the Substance: Around the solar plexus and the entire hairline.


Affirmation: The more I let go of fear, the more Isense the freedom of transformation.


Distinctive Qualities: None


For Equilibrium information and how to use click here

B18 Egyptian Bottle

SKU: 18
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