Colour: Pale Green/Pale Green
Keynote: The pure heart. New growth. The way, the truth and the light.
Chakra: Heart
Main Theme: Hilarion helps us to find the Way, helps us to see, hear and live the Truth, and helps us to make of our life a valuable experience. The Way, the Truth and the Life. The key to unlock the door. Clarity of direction. Inviting synchronicity into one's life - being in the right place at the right time.
Dominant Characteristics: A practical person who is able to make the space that is needed to be at ease. To have the knowledge when being on the wrong track or when a process is heading towards deceit. A very light and heart filled person radiating happiness and trust.
Possible Challenge Aspects: This person can have very dogmatic and rigid views. A person who may be in a perpetual state of anticipation, preventing them from being present. Disconnects himself from others through negative emotions. Does not see that there is no goal, the path here now is the goal.
Spiritual Level: Helps to connect with nature. Inspires faith. Aids in perception of the different aspects of a situation and in finding a true direction. Can deepen the spiritual connection through awareness of the body in the here and now: correct body posture, proper breathing, etc.
Mental Level: Refreshes the mind when there is the feeling of being stuck. Instills clarity into any situation. A possibility for a new beginning, for clarity of mind.
Emotional Level: Opens up the space of the heart and all heartfelt things. Makes it easier to live one’s own truth. Helps the individual feel comfortable with him/herself.
Where to Apply the Substance: Around the entire heart area. When needed (only you will know) apply on the whole body.
Affirmation: I am able tomake decisions,I am able to see my direction clearly. I am on my way to find the truth
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SKU: 53
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