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Colour: Pale Coral/Olive Green, shakes together as Olive flecked with Pale Coral


Keynote: Supports inner child to find wisdom and overcome fears. 


Chakra: 2nd, Heart & Throat

Main Theme: To gain trust in one’s own intuition - cooperation not competition


Dominant Characteristics: A person who is able to trust one`s own intuition and is able to express what has been recognized through intuition. Someone who knows the self very well. Possesses the ability to make use of difficult external conditions for the inner growth process. Has many deep insights and speaks about them from the heart. Is in touch with whatever the truth is and lives accordingly. Is happy with the way he/she is, and is able to love the self. Knows one`s own mission in life and therefore carries a deep joy inside. This joy is the greatest treasure.


Possible Challenge Aspects: Can be a very disappointed and disillusioned person who has opened the heart in deep trust. There can be a tendency to manipulate the truth in a way that fits personal needs. A tendency to be negative can end up in difficult situations.


Spiritual Level: Can help to make contact with the intuition. Links with the energy of the Goddess. Leads to deep insights through practical (spiritual) experiences. Allows the user to recognize his/her own truth and overcome spiritual arrogance.


Mental Level: Helps to say farewell to irritations and to look at difficulties in relationships.


Emotional Level: Can be soothing for someone who feels hurt in relationships. Might clear strong emotional irritations. Helps let go of dependency and co-dependency issues. Makes it easier to say farewell to this type of relationship and pattern of behavior.


Where to Apply the Substance: Around the belly and chest. In case of shock, also apply in a band on the whole right side of the body, from the earlobe down to the right ankle.


Affirmation: Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.


Distinctive Qualities: Bottles # 92 and # 93 were practically born at the same time. They are very similar to each other. They have been named Gretel and Hansel, respectively, because the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale demonstrates an aspect of these bottles very well: they stand for the female aspect of the "inner child" (Gretel) who trusts in her intuition and overcomes her fear, pushing the witch into the oven; and the male aspect of the "inner child" (Hansel) who places his trust in the female aspect. He is therefore released and finds joy and happiness.

B92 Gretal

SKU: 92
    114 Lavender Street
    CT Hub 2
    Singapore 338729
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